Current conditions for Shack and Farm in West Virginia

(Figures in parentheses indicate hourly change)


 19.7°C (-0.1)

 Dew Point:

 17.3°C (0.1)

 Wind Chill:

 19.7°C (-0.1)

 Wind Speed:

 2 km/h (-2)

 Wind Direction:

 012 Degrees


 1016.2 mb (0.1)


 0.0 mm/h (0.0)

 Current Conditions:


 Time Of Sample (local):

 17 May 2018 18:13

Graphs for Shack and Farm in West Virginia


Page Notes

Weather station is located at the base of main HF tower, with wind sensor at 12 ft above ground.


Generated By WeatherCat Version 2.42, Build 15 at 18:14:17 17-May-18

Please note: this page will automatically refresh approximately every fifteen minutes